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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A Strange Sort of Thing.

Today is Wednesday October 16th,

and for the some reason I find myself up at 5:48 a.m. typing. I'm not sure what I will be typing about today, or why I all of a sudden felt the need to. But here I am, and here it goes. I suppose I never really understood how much of an escape writing could be. Whether you're having a great day or one of those days that you want to stick your head in a pile of sand, writing can subdue any fear or anxiety that you might have. I have had two, count them TWO, blogs for over a year now and have not utilized them. I couldn't figure out why I had them for so long without any results, and it was starting to bother me. I soon realized (actually in the dream I just had) that I was scared of what people might think of them. Are they pointless? Where is the real subject matter? The truth is my blogs are no cookie cutter idea. I don't have one for baking, one for sewing, and one about my political standpoint. I don't even have one that explores and shares my interests with you. I just like to write. So here on out, I am going to try my very best to get something down on this "paper". Whether it be my disgust in the current weather conditions or some random topic that just came off the cap of my head. It needs to be written down. Then came the "followers". I would think to myself how I have no followers. However, I'm not in this for the glory. Blogs are meant to be an outlet for people (public or not) not a popularity contest. I congratulate those who have hundreds, thousands, or even millions of followers! That is quite an achievement! Do I ever think that I will reach that kind of popularity, no. But that's only because I write about what's going through my head. I don't have a team telling me what to write about, or what this weeks topic is. I have myself, my laptop (which is getting old), and my thoughts. So for everyday now on, I will write something in my blog. I'm not afraid to share life experiences or what I've been through, or what messed up thought is bouncing around in my head. This is my blog. And this is me.